Coco and shells anklet |
 Natural necklace coco and shell beads |
 Plain raw natural wooden bangle casing only |
 Shell pendants jewelry |
 Coco and shells bags |
 Coco beads necklace coconut strands |
 Wood beads strands |
 Natural necklace coco and shell beads |
 Choker hoops necklace with shell pendants |
 Shell pendants jewelry |
 Multi-color coco and shell necklace |
 Plain raw natural wooden bangle casing only |
 Wood beads strands |
 Coco beads necklace coconut strands |
 Maki-e art embossed hand painted pendants jewelry japanese |
 Maki-e art embossed hand painted pendants jewelry japanese |
 Coco and shell dangling earrings |
 Coco beads necklace coconut strands |
 Coco and shell carved surfer necklace |
 Wood bangles - ebony camagong robles bayong natural |
 Kukui seed nut necklace wood beads elastic 8 |